Perfectly True Story

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Winston Churchill's Christmas Message

Winston Churchill arrived in Washington DC on December 22, 1941, just 15 days after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Two days later, on Christmas Eve, Churchill and President Roosevelt addressed a crowd of 20,000 people as well as a worldwide radio audience shortly before FDR pressed a button to light the National Christmas Tree.
Churchill’s words from that night are timeless. I occasionally use a presentation app called Prezi, and I’ve attempted to capture the hope and the joy in an except from his message with a Prezi that will allow you to zoom through a series of images that accompany his words. You can watch it here or by clicking on the image below. I am also taking the extreme liberty of borrowing Sir Winston’s words as my personal Christmas greeting.

(To view the Prezi, click the "Play" icon on the panel that will appear. You can then click the arrows at the bottom of that panel to zoom your way through the presentation. If you view the Prezi in full-screen mode, just press the Escape key when you're done).     

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If you would like to read the complete version of Churchill’s Christmas Eve message, you can find it at this link on the International Churchill Society’s website. If you would like to see and hear the speech, this YouTube video captures both FDR's and Churchill's Christmas Eve addresses. The excerpt that I use in my Prezi begins at the 11:13 mark. It is always a wonderous experience to hear Sir Winston speak.  

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 I mentioned in a previous note that I had planned a giveaway – this one a collection of Churchill-related items – for right about now. It began to seem if my marketing events were piling on top of one another, so I’ve pushed that out to February. The Churchill giveaway will officially launch on Tuesday, February 2, 2021. As a subscriber to my newsletter, you will be automatically entered. I will get all of the details to you in late January. I apologize for this delay.

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I'm sure no one has noticed, but I've now settled into a routine where I send this newsletter on the first Monday of each month. In response to several suggestions, I've added a Newsletter Archive page to my website.

If by chance this copy of my newsletter was forwarded to you, and if you would like to subscribe, you can do so here

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I’m in the habit of saying Merry Christmas to celebrate this time of year. I realize that not everyone celebrates Christmas. Whatever your faith, however you celebrate, and even if you neither worship nor celebrate … I wish you health, happiness, prosperity, and brighter days in 2021.
